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Wie mit Python starten - Knowledgebase / Programming - The Imaging Source Helpdesk

Wie mit Python starten

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Which Python approach to use, depends on the operating system you use:


A good start is cloning the SDK at Alternatively you can download and install a pre-compiled package from This installs the GStreamer modules for our cameras. More samples can be found at There are Python and C++ samples.


We recommend to use PythonNET and our IC Imaging Control 3.5 .NET component. Please check m which Python version is currently supported: Programming samples are available at

On the github is also a simple approach that imports the C-Wrapper for IC Imaging Control, the "tisgrabber.dll". It is simple in use and works fine for most of task, but its documentation is not as good as the IC Imaging Control documentation and it is not as sophisticated as the IC Imaging Control .NET component.

If you have more questions, please let me know, which operating system you use.

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