
Using USB 2.0 CCD cameras in Linux - 知识库 / Software / Software for Linux - The Imaging Source Helpdesk

Using USB 2.0 CCD cameras in Linux


This article effects the cameras

DMK 21AU04, DFK 21AU04, DMK 21BU04, DFK 21BU04

DMK 31AU03, DFK 31AU03, DMK 31BU03, DFK 31AU03

DMK 41AU02, DFK 41AU02, DMK 41BU02, DFK 41AU02

and their .AS astronomy versions.

These cameras like already have an UCV mode but do not inform the operating system about this fact.

Installing udev rules

The udev rules are part of the Github tiscamera repository at https://github.com/TheImagingSource/tiscamera 

To install the udev rules execute the following commands in :

cd tiscamera 
sudo cp data/udev/80-theimagingsource-cameras.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo service udev restart

Your system should now correctly identify your camera. Maybe a complete computer start is required.

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